Ara Poutama Brand Development
Connecting brand strategy, values and whakapapa.
Whilst at Stanley St we had the privilege of working with the team at Ara Poutama Department of Corrections in helping widen their visual brand asset base as well as creating a range of compelling communications for both staff recruitment and retention.

Discovery Phase

Exploring organisational whakapapa and journey.
A key element of Ara Poutama’s Hōkai Rangi strategy involves a framework inspired by Tāne's journey through ngā rangi tūhāhā to acquire the three baskets of knowledge.

Storycraft Phase

Crafting a story that brings together the organisations whakapapa, purpose, values and aspirations.
Tāne-nui-a-rangi ascended twelve sacred domains to retrieve three baskets of knowledge - Kete Aronui, Kete Tuauri, Kete Tuatea - and two whatukura stones, embodying the knowledge of the atua. Returning to earth, Tāne displayed them in a Whare Wānanga, adorned with the Poutama pattern from Rangi-tamaku, symbolising the pathway of learning and excellence. This Pūrākau forms the foundation of Ara Poutama Aotearoa, guiding their values, purpose, and actions.
Selecting a whakataukī that embodies the organisation's intention:
'Kei te ruru tāku, te ruru Te Ihonga.' Symbolising the intricate lashings of Te Ihonga, a demigod known for his gordian knot, this proverb reflects the complexities and challenges of Ara Poutama Aotearoa and those they serve. It underscores their unique approach, rooted in mātauranga Māori, to foster stronger, united communities. For them, knowledge from our Atua and Tūpuna are key, guiding their pursuit of excellence and innovative solutions for tomorrow

Manifest Phase

Master Design
Tohunga Whakairo Kawiti Wiremu created a master design, rich in mātauranga, that draws on the whakapapa, pūrākau and whakataukī.
Development of a graphic design creates a master asset that informs the brand identity design elements.