Te Mataiaho

Curriculum Refresh

Client: Ministry of Education
Date: 2022

Developed by our team while at Stanley St

Tasked with bringing the Ministry of Education's Te Mātaiaho Curriculum Refresh to life, our goal was to communicate the initiative clearly and engagingly. It was essential that everyone involved could see the big picture and understand their role within it.

Working closely with the Ministry’s Senior Lead Team and the refresh developers, including Dr. Wayne Ngata who developed Te Mātaiaho's whakapapa, we focused on creating accessible content. Through workshops and one-on-one sessions, we developed a series of videos to introduce and explain the curriculum refresh.

Additionally, we designed a tohu (symbol) to represent Te Mātaiaho's values and components, emphasising its roots in whakapapa. This symbol aims to visually connect the community with the curriculum's core values and vision.


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